
乌尔第三王朝时期的尼普尔银贷业商人档案研究(上) 被引量:4

The Nippur Bankers’ Archives during the Ur III Period(Part I)
摘要 古代两河流域银贷业商人的苏美尔文为dam-gàr,他们是从事借贷和买卖获利的专业人员。本文根据乌尔第三王朝时期的原始经济档案研究了7个主要商人的借据档案,总结了有息和无息贷款、大麦借贷的基本高利率,大麦和其他物品的一般价格,以及银钱和大麦转换借贷形式等规律,并对散乱发表的出土借据中的7个主要商人的文件进行了档案重建,进而为理解古代两河经济领域中货币形式、银贷利率、商人职能等金融和商业规律提供第一手史料。 The bankers in the Mesopotamia entitled dam-gàr by the Sumerians were the professional persons who carried out loans and commerce for profits. According to the two published text collections from Ur III Nippur, this article deals with the loans with and without interests, the 33.3% interest rate for barley and the 20% rate for silver, the loans starting in Spring and Summer and returned in autumn, the prices of barley and other goods, and the barley for sliver loans. Furthermore, this study reconstructed the archives of several famous bankers, which will helpful to the understanding of the money dealing system and the functions of merchants of the ancient Mesopotamia.
作者 吴宇虹 吕冰
出处 《古代文明》 CSSCI 2008年第2期13-23,共11页 The Journal of Ancient Civilizations
基金 东北师范大学“十一五”哲学社会科学行动计划重大攻关项目“苏美尔学文献研究”(NENU-SKB2007005)阶段性成果
关键词 尼普尔 乌尔第三王朝 商人 银钱借贷 利息 限期 经济档案 Nippur the Ur III Period merchants interest loan term economic texts
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