
一种改进的CHORD搜索算法 被引量:5

Improved CHORD search algorithm
摘要 基于CHORD构造的对等网络中,搜索性能是一个很重要的指标,目前提出的CHORD搜索算法都是一路查找,论文对CHORD算法进行了若干改进,沿多条路径同时搜索,使之可以加快查找速度,同时采取邻居节点部分复制资源和缓存最近访问节点信息的方法,减轻了因为热门资源引起的节点负载过重的问题,加快了热门资源的查找过程,模拟实验表明,改进的CHORD算法查找效率比目前CHORD算法要好,负载平衡性和系统健壮性都要优。 Based on CHORD in the structure peer-to-peer network,the search performance is a very important target.Now the CHORD search algorithms all are a group search.This article has made certain improvements to the CHORD search algorithm, when the search no longer merely just starting from the current pitch point,along a way search,but along the current node and it's all points adjacent to a number of search paths simultaneously,so that it can speed up the search for speed,meanwhile adopts the neighbor pitch points partial duplication resources and buffer information of the recently visited pitch points,when downloading not only may from current pitch point downloading,when pitch point load overweight also is allowed from neighbor pitch point downloading,to reduce the pitch point load overweight question because of the popular resources,speeding up the popular resources search process,the simulation experiments show that the improved CHORD search algorithm has the find better efficient than current CHORD search algorithm,the load balancing and system robustness to excellent.
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第22期139-142,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金No.60573161 西北工业大学研究生创业种子基金资助项目(No.Z200759)~~
关键词 对等网络 搜索 分布式哈希表 CHORD P2P network search distributed hash table CHORD
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