
基于互信息的特征子集选择 被引量:2

Feature subset selection based on mutual information
摘要 通过互信息的思想提出一个新的评价函数来评价属性之间的相关性,并结合LV算法进行特征子集选择.结果表明,该方法对分类问题效果明显. Abstract:A new evaluate function was proposed based on the idea of mutual information with the purpose of evaluating the relativity of attributes. It was also integrated with LV algorithm to select the best feature subset. The result indicates that the method is very effective to solve the classification problems.
出处 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2008年第3期366-368,共3页 Journal of Xi’an Polytechnic University
基金 陕西省教育厅自然科学专项基金资助项目(06JK286)
关键词 数据挖掘 LV算法 特征子集选择 互信息 data mining LV algorithm feature subset selection mutual information
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