
深圳地区婴幼儿人类杯状病毒感染状况及基因型分析 被引量:4

Infection Condition of Human Caliciviruses in Children and Genotyping Analysis in Shenzhen
摘要 目的了解深圳地区婴幼儿人类杯状病毒(HuCV)感染状况和对HuCV阳性病毒株进行基因型分析。方法采集连续二个秋冬季腹泻流行期间来深圳儿童医院就诊的临床检验已排除寄生虫、细菌性腹泻和轮状病毒检测结果为阴性的3岁以下腹泻患儿粪便标本226份,应用分型引物RT—PCR法检测HuCV的诺如病毒(norovirus,NoV)GⅠ和GⅡ群和扎如病毒(sappovirus,SaV),扩增产物通过1.5g/d1琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定。部分阳性标本测序,结合GenBank参考株相应核苷酸序列进行进化和型别流行特点分析。结果HuCV阳性率11.06%(25/226),其中NoV阳性率10.62%(24/226),saV阳性率0.44%(1/226),检测出NoV阳性株GⅡ/4群18株,GⅡ/3群5株,1株尚不能确定所属群(占4.17%,]/24)。1株Sav为SGⅡ/1群。7月~24月龄为NoV高发年龄段。结论HuCV是深圳地区婴幼儿冬季腹泻的重要病原体之一,流行株为NoV的GⅡ/4群,同时,还发现SaV的SGⅡ/1群存在。 Objective To understand infection condition of human caliciviruses in children and genotyping analysis in Shenzhen. Methods 226 fecal specimens were collected from children with under 3 years of age diarrhea diagnosed except specimens with parasitical,bacterial,rotavirus diarrhea,which were tested for HuCV by RT-PCR of primers genotyping, including norovirus and sappovirus ,PCR products were identified by 1.5 g/dl agar sugar electrophoresis and partly positive specimens were sequenced and analyzed. Results Human caliciviruses positivity rate was 11.06% (25/226) ,norovirus positivity rate was 10. 62%(24/226),and sappovirus 0.44%(1/226), 24 strains of Norovirus were judged,including 18 of them were identified as GⅡ/4 and 5 of them were GⅡ /3,only one strain sappovirus were tested as SG Ⅱ /1. 7 months to 24 months were much more sensitive age than other age. Conclusion Human caliciviruses is one of most important diarrhea pathogens in children in winter in Shenzhen,and the prevalent strains were norovirus GⅡ ,meanwhile, found sappovirus SGⅡ /1 existing.
出处 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2008年第4期49-52,共4页 Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
基金 深圳市科技计划项目(200602126)
关键词 人类杯状病毒 诺如病毒 扎如病毒 基因型 human caliciviruses norovirus sappovirus genotype
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