
1-30d尺度温度关联网动力学统计性质研究 被引量:28

Analysis of dynamical statistical characteristics of temperature correlation networks of 1—30d scales
摘要 利用美国国家环境预报中心再分析资料中的温度资料,从低频和高频振荡等多种尺度构建温度关联网络,并分析其动力学统计性质及转换条件.研究表明:1和30d尺度下温度关联网络分别属于小世界网络和类全局耦合网络.温度关联网络在两种类型之间转化的时间尺度条件为11—12d.1d尺度节点的连边数南北半球呈准对称分布,赤道附近的低纬度地区存在三个连边数较大的区域:热带印度洋海域、赤道东太平洋海域和赤道东大西洋海域.海陆气候子系统的关联性差异导致30d尺度温度关联网络中陆地节点的联边数较少,节点之间的关联性相对海洋要差许多.1d尺度下,中纬度和低纬度气候子系统都具有小世界效应,但低纬度气候子系统温度关联网络的顶点度分布分为指数分布和Gauss分布,中纬度气候子系统的顶点度分布则为类Gauss分布;30d尺度下,海洋子系统是一个类全局耦合网络,陆地子系统温度关联网络具有典型的小世界效应.1d尺度下,温度关联网络为小世界网的关联阈值范围为0.2—0.9;30d尺度下,温度关联网络为类全局耦合网络的关联阈值范围为0—0.6. Based on reanalysis data of National Center of Environment Prediction of America,temperature correlation networks of different time scales are constructed and their dynamical statistical properties are also analyzed.Results show that temperature correlation networks of 1 and 30?d belong to small world and semi-globally coupled network,respectively.The time scale condition is 11—12 d for networks to shift from one type to the other.For 1 d scale,the total number of links at each geographic location is semi-symmetrical between north and south hemisphere,the equatorial nodes have a larger number of connections in three regions: the equatorial Indian ocean,equatorial east Pacific ocean and equatorial east Atlantic ocean.Sub-system networks of both mid-latitude and low-latitude belong to the small world network,while the accumulative degree distribution of low-latitude follows the exponentical and Gaussian distributions and that of mid-latitude follows the semi-Gaussian distribution.The range of correlation condition value for temperature network belonging to small world network is 0.2—0.9.Meanwhile for the 30 d scale,ocean nodes show a larger number of connections than the land nodes.The ocean and the land sub-system networks belong to the semi-globally coupled and the small world networks,respectively.The range of correlation condition value for temperature network belonging to semi-globally coupled network is 0—0.6.
出处 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期5351-5360,共10页 Acta Physica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:40675044) 国家重点基础研究发展规划(批准号:2006CB400503) 国家科技支撑计划(批准号:2007BAC03A01)资助的课题~~
关键词 多尺度 小世界网络 全局耦合网络 关联阈值 mutli-scale,small world network,global coupled network,correlation condition value
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