
贵州省岩下大鲵自然保护区藻类研究 被引量:2

Study on the Algae in Yanxia Andrias davidianus nature reserve of Guizhou province
摘要 对贵州岩下大鲵自然保护区藻类组成及物种多样性进行研究,并比较枯水季节、丰水季节藻类的种类数量变化。结果表明,岩下大鲵自然保护区内有6个藻类门的33科、154种淡水藻类,在种类组成上以绿藻和硅藻为主,为保护区内的优势种群。绿藻门藻类共计60种,所占比例最大为38.96%,其次为硅藻58种,所占比例为37.66%。在物种多样性方面,硅藻、绿藻和蓝藻在物种组成上较为丰富,其中硅藻门物种多样性指数最高,其次为绿藻门。从枯水季节、丰水季节藻类数量来看,绿藻和蓝藻的种类数量变化较大,硅藻种类数无明显变化。 Throush researching alga component and species diversity in the Yanxia Andrias dayidianus nature reserve of Guizhou, and compareing two seasons of dry season and rainy season of the Category amount change of the alga, the investigation showed that Yanxia Andrias davidianus nature reserve has a total collection of freshwater alga 154 species, which belong to 33 families in 6 phyla. Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta are the dominant species in the nature reserve. Chlorophyta is represented by the most species with 63 species, accounting for 38.96% of total Species. Bacillariophyta is ranked secondly with 58 species, accounting for 37.66% of total species. In the diversified respect of species, the highest diversified index is Bacillariophyta (H' =2.67), the second is Chlorophyta (H' =2.35), the third is Cyanophyta( H' =2.26), and the rest of phyla of diversified index are au at low level. It is obvious Bacillariophyta Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta are comparatively abundant in the species component. Concerning the Category amount of the alga at dry season and raing season, Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta change largely, Bacillariophyta counts have no obvious change.
出处 《山地农业生物学报》 2008年第4期305-315,共11页 Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
关键词 淡水藻类 植物分类 优势种群 物种多样性 岩下大鲵自然保护区 freshwater algae plant taxonomy dominant population Species diversity Yanxia nature reserve
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