
Petri网在帧中继与X.25协议转换中的应用 被引量:3

Application of Petri Net Analysis in Protocol Conversion between Frame Relay and X.25 Network
摘要 提出了一种用Petri网研究两种协议转换的方法。在两个协议提供原语的基础上,利用Petri网丰富的描述特性建立转换模型,与用有限状态机建立转换模型相比,简化了过程。在Petri网的基础上,利用图论方法论证其正确性。最后,用这种方法分析了X25与帧中继之间的协议转换,并建立转换模型。 In this paper, a method of using Petri net to research the conversion between two protocols has been put forward. Based on the protocol primitives, the protocol conversion model can be set up more easily by the rich expression character of Petri net than by finite state machine. The model can be verified by graph theory. Finally, the protocol conversion between X.25 and Frame Relay has been analyzed by this method to set up the conversion model.
出处 《南京邮电学院学报》 1997年第4期8-13,共6页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Science)
关键词 协议转换 协议变换器 PETRI网 X.25帧中继 Protocol conversion, Protocol converters, Petri networks, X.25, Frame relay
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