
仓储配送中ABC管理的优化问题及其实证 被引量:13

Optimization Problem of ABC Management and Its Empirical Analysis in Warehouse
摘要 ABC管理是80/20原则在仓储管理中的一种应用,能有效提高企业效益。目前的研究很少分析ABC管理的改善程度、各种应用策略间的影响和整体作用,而且国内仓储运作和国外存在较大的差异。本文基于一种结合国内仓储实践、具有普遍性和实用性的ABC管理模式,建立ABC管理对作业效率改善程度的测度模型。通过对模型假设的实证和模型分析表明:仓储配送中ABC管理的实质是对劳动时间这个可变资源进行重点管理,利用储位分配策略缩短部分订单的拣货路径以减少订单拣货时间,利用库存控制和订货补充策略提高优化作业订单所占的比重,共同作用提高作业效率。最后讨论了ABC管理在国内大规模推广的原因。 ABC management is an application of 80/20 principle to warehouse management, which can significantly improve the performance of enterprises. Researches on the improvement of efficiency, the interaction of various application policies and the overall effect of ABC management are insufficient,and the warehousing operation in China fundamentally differs from that in other countries. Based on the background and warehousing practices in China,this paper presents an analysis and the empirical analysis shows that ABC management in warehousing is essentially to manage the labor time, reduce some order' picking time by using ABC storage assignment policy,and improve the proportion of orders by using ABC inventory control policy and ordering policy. Finally, the reasons for large-scale application of ABC management in China are discussed.
出处 《运筹与管理》 CSCD 2008年第4期1-7,共7页 Operations Research and Management Science
关键词 ABC管理 仓储管理 配送中心 分拣配货效率 实证 ABC management warehouse management distribution center order picking efficiency empirical research
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