
胆总管扩张病因的超声诊断 被引量:2

Ultrasonographic Diagnosis to the Cause of Dilatation of Common Bile Duct
摘要 目的:探讨超声检查对胆总管疾病的诊断价值。方法:对576例超声诊断由各种病因引起的胆总管扩张的病例做回顾性总结分析。结果:超声诊断的胆总管扩张的病因主要有11种:胆总管结石;胆管良、恶性肿瘤;胰头癌;十二指肠壶腹周围癌;急、慢性胰腺炎;肝门区肿大淋巴结压迫胆总管;胆道蛔虫;急性化脓性胆管炎;先天性胆总管囊状扩张;胆囊切除或胆系手术后代偿性扩张;老年性生理性扩张。结论:超声对胆总管疾病的检查简便、可靠、可重复性强,为临床诊断胆系疾病的首选检查方法。 Objective To discuss the diagnostic value of Ultrasonography to the diseases of common bile duct. Methods The cause of dilatation of common bile duct diagnosed by US in 576 cases were retrospectively analyzed. Results There were totle 11 kinds of causes of the dilatation of common bile duct:Common bile duct stone;Cholangio carcinoma;Head of pancreatic cancer;Carcinoma of ampulla;acute or chronic panereatitis;Enlarged lymph node in liver door constrict common bile duct ;Biliary ascariasis ; Acute fester eholangitis ; Choledochal cyst ; Compensatory dilatation after the operation of bile duct ; Elderly physiological dilatation. Conclusion To be a simple and convenient reliable method, US may be the first choose in diagnosis the diseases of common bile duct.
作者 田歆
出处 《实用医技杂志》 2008年第19期2458-2459,共2页 Journal of Practical Medical Techniques
关键词 胆总管 扩张 超声检查 Common bile duct Dilatation Uhrasonography
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