It is very important to analyze and evaluate the benefi ts of meteorological services for policy decision-making and taking precautions against meteorological disasters.In this study,a model for evaluating the benef its of meteorological services for industries is constructed,with the combining method of dose-response and contingency assessment,and also absorbing other countries' experience.According to this model,and referring to the practical value of the contribution of meteorological services to typical enterprises,experts calculated the benef its of meteo-rological services for every industry.By applying this model,and taking the evaluation framework of "to determine which industries are meteorology-sensitive" - "to evaluate the benefi ts of meteorological services" - "to get the total benef its of meteorological service",evaluation and analysis on the total benef its of meteorological services was done with case study.According to this study,the annual mean benef its of meteorological services are known as no less than 279.3 billion yuan(cost excluded) in present national economical environment.
It is very important to analyze and evaluate the benefits of meteorological services for policy decisionmaking and taking precautions against meteorological disasters. In this study, a model for evaluating the benefits of meteorological services,for industries is constructed, with the combining method of dose-response and contingency assessment, and also absorbing other countries' experience. According to this model, and referring to the practical value of the contribution of meteorological services to typical enterprises, experts calculated the benefits of meteorological services for every industry. By applying this model and taking the evaluation framework of "to determine which industries are meteorology-sensitive" - "to evaluate the benefits of meteorological services " - "to get the total benefits of meteorological service ", evaluation and analysis on the total benefits of meteorological services was done with case study According to this study, the annual mean benefits of meteorological services are known as no less than 279. 3 billion yuan (cost excluded) in present national economical environment.