

Consideration on the Establishment of the Harmonious Public Physical Education Class in Minorities Teachers Colleges
摘要 高校公共体育课程教学改革,在普通高校已广泛展开,但在民族师专由于受多方面因素的制约,公共体育教学改革仍是举步维艰.如何从实际出发,全面实施教育教学改革,成为人们热切关注的问题.本文通过分析民族师专公共体育教学现状及存在的问题,从构建和谐的公共体育课堂的前提基础上,提出解决问题的几点对策,以供参考. The teaching reform of public physical education course, although having commonly developed in the general colleges and universities, makes its way hardly in minorities teachers colleges due to the limitation of various elements. It has become a noticeable problem how to carry out the all-round reform of education in the true ground. By analyzing the present situation and existing problems in public physical education of minorities teachers colleges, the article proposes some countermeasures on the basis of establishing harmonious public physical education class for reference.
作者 谢智学
出处 《甘肃高师学报》 2008年第2期93-95,共3页 Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges
关键词 民族师专 公共体育 和谐课堂 教学改革 Minorities Teachers Colleges'Public Physical Education Harmonious Class Teaching Reform
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