在分析I-P转速调节器参数变化对系统启动性能影响的基础上,提出了一种PI-P控制策略,给出PI-P控制系统框图。详细分析了系统在突加给定ASR1(Automatic Speed Regulator)饱和、恒流升速、转速调节阶段等过程PI-P控制系统的性能;也详细分析了系统参数的变化对系统性能的影响;最后通过PI-P控制系统仿真分析,得出PI-P控制策略优于I-P控制策略以及PI-P控制方案可应用于具有宽调速范围的快速启动的直流拖动调速系统中。
Based on analyzing the influence of I- P rotational speed regulator parameter change on the characteristics, the author presents a PI- P control strategy and PI- P control system block diagram. systematic starting In this paper the characteristics of PI - P control system is analyzed in the course of a given ASR1 ( Automatic Speed Regulator) in abrupt saturation, the speed rising at constant flow and the speed regulation. And the influence of the parameter change on the performance of the system is also analyzed here. The paper concludes that a PI -P control strategy is superior to an I -P control strategy by simulating PI - P control system. The PI - P control strategy can be applied in DC drive system starting at fast speed within a wide range regulation.
Light Industry Machinery