
一种Chord的分层资源定位模型 被引量:4

Hierarchical Resource Locating Model of Chord
摘要 提出一种新型的基于Chord的分层资源定位模型,该模型由内外两层Chord环组成,内Chord环将各节点分组,组内节点自治,各组超级节点组成外Chord环完成组间路由,各节点采用精简路由表提高有效信息的存储.实验是使用开源P2P仿真工具PlanetSim来模拟整个模型在分层资源定位时的状况.实验表明改进后的模型提高了资源定位的效率,在结构化的P2P网络模型中值得推广. This paper proposes an improved Chord-based hierarchical resource locating model, in which the upper and lower layer both are structured Chord network, each group being self-governed Chord ring by its delegate. The requests, such as routing and query operations beyond their own groups, are completed by the aid of super nodes in the upper Chord ring. Every node makes use of the reduced routing table for storage of efficient information. Experiments are imitated to perform by exploiting the open-source P2P-imitated tool (PlanetSim). Experiment results indicate that the improved Chord improves resource orientation. So it is worth popularizing and applying in structured P2P network.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期83-86,共4页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
关键词 CHORD 分层 资源定位 精简路由表 chord hierarchy resource locating reduced routing table
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