

Evaluation on publicity and education effects of the educational film-The Prevention of AIDS shown at the construction sites
摘要 目的评价在建筑工地放映科教片《预防艾滋病》的宣传教育效果。方法采用方便抽样方法,以匿名、跟踪调查的方式,对放映现场的部分务工人员在观看科教片前后分别进行问卷调查。结果武汉市建筑工地务工人员观看科教片《预防艾滋病》后,对"艾滋病可以预防吗"的知识知晓率由观看前的82.4%提高到96.8%,对"母婴途径传播艾滋病"的知识知晓率由观看前的79.9%提高到95.2%,对"蚊虫叮咬是否传播艾滋病"的知识知晓率由观看前的38.6%提高到58.4%。结论在建筑工地通过放映科教片对务工人员开展艾滋病知识宣传教育是有效的。 Objective To evaluate the publicity and education effects of the film The Prevention of AIDS shown at the construction sites. Methods The construction workers at the showing spots were surveyed with questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed to compare the awareness rate changes of AIDS knowledge understood by workers before and af- ter the film showing. Results The AIDS knowledge awareness rate among the construction workers increased significantly after they saw the educational film at construction sites in Wuhan City. The right answer rate of the question "Whether AIDS can be prevented or not" increased from 82.4% to 96. 8%. The right answer rate of "Mother-to-child transmission of AIDS" increased from 79. 9% to 95.2% ; and the right answer rate of "Whether or not the infection of AIDS can be attributed to mosquito and insect bites" increased from 38.6% to 58.4%. Conclusion It was proven effective to propagandize AIDS knowledge to the construction workers by showing educational film at construction sites.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2009年第1期58-60,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 2006年国家艾滋病防治社会动员经费项目(06-I-40)
关键词 艾滋病 建筑工地务工人员 电影 AIDS Construction Workers Film
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