
鄂东南地区大型矽卡岩型铁矿床金云母^(40)Ar-^(39)Ar同位素年龄及其构造背景初探 被引量:57

^(40)Ar-^(39)Ar phlogopite dating of large skarn Fe deposits and tectonic framework in southeastern Hubei Province,Middle-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River,eastern China
摘要 鄂东南地区铜铁多金属矿床是长江中下游地区金属成矿带的重要组成部分,但其精确的成矿时代和构造背景的研究显得较少。本文选择与磁铁矿密切共生的金云母为研究对象,利用^(40)Ar-^(39)Ar 阶段加热同位素定年方法对该地区典型大型程潮和金山店矽卡岩铁矿床中金云母进行了成矿时代的研究,获得了金云母的^(40)Ar-^(39)Ar 同位素坪年龄分别为132.6±1.4Ma和131.6±1.2Ma,对应等时线年龄为136±4Ma 和132.0±2.8Ma。结合矿物共生组合特征和流体包裹体温度的分析,认为金云母的^(40)Ar~^(39)Ar 坪年龄分别代表程潮和金山店矽卡型铁矿床的成矿时代,结果与大冶矽卡岩型铁矿床和鄂东南地区斑岩—矽卡岩型铜多金属矿床的成矿时代可以对比。在整合已有的岩石学、地球化学和地球物理学资料基础上,笔者认为鄂东南大型矽卡岩型铁矿床形成于区域岩石圈伸展和减薄构造环境。 The Cu, Fe polymetallic deposits in southeastern Hubei are an important component of the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt, but the timing and tectonic framework of these deposits were poorly constrained. In this paper we present new ^40Ar-^39Ar phlogopite ages for the Chengchao and Jinshandian skarn iron deposits to constrain the timing and duration of mineralization. Phlogopite from the Chengchao and Jinshandian skarn deposits yielded a ^40Ar-^39Ar pleatu ages of 132.6 ± 1.4Ma and 131.6 ± 1.2 Ma respectively, and isochronal ages of 136 ± 4 Ma and 132.0 ± 2.8 Ma respectively. Integrated mineral paragenesis and fluid inclusion, we concluded that the ^40Ar-^39Ar Ar system in phlogopite remain to be closed with ore deposition, and constrain the formation of the Chengchao and Jinshandian skarn iron deposits at 132.6 ± 1.4Ma and 131.6 ± 1.2 Ma, respectively. These results are coincident with the Daye skarn Fe deposit and (porphyry) -skarn Cu deposits in southeastern Hubei Province. An integrated study of available petrological and geochemical and geophysics evidences, we concluded that the skarn Fe mineralization in southeastern Hubei was associated with lithospheric extension and thinning during the Late Mesozoic in Eastern China.
出处 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1917-1927,共11页 Acta Petrologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(40434011和40402011) 国家重点基础研究课题(2007CB411407和2007CB411405) 地质大调查项目(1212010634001) 中央级公益性科学院所基本科研业务费(K0816) 中国科学院地球化学研究所开放室基金(200402) 中国博士后项目联合资助
关键词 ^40AR-^39AR同位素年龄 金云母 矽卡岩铁矿 构造背景 鄂东南地区 ^40Ar-^39Ar age Phlogopite Skarn Fe deposit Tectonic framework Southeastern Hubei Province
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