
一种新型6-DOF串并混联拟人机械臂及其位置分析 被引量:6

A Novel 6-DOF Hybrid Anthropopathic Mechanical Arm and Its Position Analysis
摘要 提出了一种新型6-DOF串并混联拟人机械臂,这种机械臂主要包括肩、上臂和前臂三部分,其中,肩采用球面三自由度并联机构为机构原型,上臂采用五杆二自由度并联机构为机构原型,前臂采用四杆机构为机构原型,结合这种机械臂的结构布局特点,求得其位置正解的封闭解,使用Bezout消元法求得这种拟人机械臂的位置反解的封闭解。 A novel 6-DOF hybrid anthropopathic mechanical arm, comprised of shoulder, upper arm and forearm, was investigated, and the spherical 3-DOF parallel manipulator was adopted as the hybrid mechanical arms' shoulder, and 2-DOF parallel manipulator, five-bar linkage mechanism was adopted as the hybrid mechanical arms' upper arm, and four--bar linkage mechanism was adopted as the hybrid mechanical arms' forearm. Then 6--DOF hybrid anthropopathic mechanical arm's direct and inverse displacement equations were developed in detail explicitly considering its architee ture feature.
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期280-284,共5页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 燕山大学科研平台项目资助 燕山大学博士基金资助项目(B51)
关键词 6-DOF串并混联机械臂 结构布局 位置正解 位置反解 6-DOF hybrid mechanical arm architecture direct position analysis inverse position analysis
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