
飞轮储能器的新型高温超导悬浮轴承研究 被引量:1

Research on the new high temperature superconducting magnetic bearings for flywheel energy storage device
摘要 储能器是一种储存能量的装置,随着高温超导悬浮轴承运用到飞轮储能器中,储能效率得到了大大的提高。它的主要结构是由高温超导体和永磁体组成。文中提出一种全新高温超导悬浮轴承,并研究其的力学性能,为新型超导悬浮轴承的研究与开发做好了基础准备。 Energy storage device is an machine used to store energy. With the high temperature superconducting magnetic bearings (SMB) which are composed of the high temperature superconductor(HTS) bulks and permanent magnets (PMS) applied in the flywheel energy storage, energy efficiency is greatly enhanced. This paper presented a new high temperature SMB and its mechanical properties, a good job on the basis of preparation for the new high temperature SMB of research and development
作者 宋波 曾佑文
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期20-23,54,共5页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
关键词 储能器 高温超导悬浮轴承 悬浮力 导向力 Energy storage, High temperature superconducting magnetic bearings, Levitation force, Guidance force
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