
M5模拟器的内核分析及应用 被引量:3

Kernel Analysis and Application of M5 Simulator
摘要 由美国密歇根大学发布的M5模拟器,是一个针对计算机系统级体系结构进行研究的模块化的仿真平台。它除了能够支持仿真单处理器结构外,还提供了强大的对包含多个处理器的多系统级体系结构进行仿真的功能。本文详细分析了M5模拟器的仿真内核、仿真机制和基本模型,并以一个存储器调度算法为例说明该模拟器对于处理器建模的完备支持。 The M5 simulator, a collection of publicly - available simulation tools released by University of Michigan is a powerful platform for the simulation of the computer systems. In addition to typical attributes of simulating single microprocessors, M5 provides the features for simulating the complex architecture of systems which include multiple processors. The simulation kernel, simulating mechanism and the basic modules of M5 are analyzed in detail, and M5's usefulness as a general -purpose architecture simulator is proved by a memory access scheduling algorithm.
出处 《微计算机应用》 2009年第4期30-34,共5页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 计算机模拟器 系统级建模 存储器访问调度 simulator of computer architecture, modeling of the complex systems, scheduling of memory access
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