In this paper , a driving stress finite element method ofelastic-plastic large deformation based on implicit time integratingalgorithm and an eight-chain molecular network model is used for thenumerical simulation of the simple shear test ofpolycarbonate(PC)materials. The simulated results are compared withexperimental ones. The strain localiztaion propagation for the shearband deforma- tion for simple shear deformation is investigatednumerically. The effects of microstructure parameters in the model onstrain softening and orientation hardening of the PC are discussed indetail.
In this paper , a driving stress finite element method ofelastic-plastic large deformation based on implicit time integratingalgorithm and an eight-chain molecular network model is used for thenumerical simulation of the simple shear test ofpolycarbonate(PC)materials. The simulated results are compared withexperimental ones. The strain localiztaion propagation for the shearband deforma- tion for simple shear deformation is investigatednumerically. The effects of microstructure parameters in the model onstrain softening and orientation hardening of the PC are discussed indetail.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China