I. INTRODUCTIONPurpose1.1 The purpose of these Guidelines is to informthose carrying out a project that is financed in wholeor in part by a loan from the International Bank forReconstruction and Development (IBRD) or a creditfrom the International Development Association(IDA), of the arrangements to be made for procur-ing the goods and works (including relatedservices) required for the project. The Loan Agree-ment governs the legal relationships between the Bor-rower and the Bank, and the Guidelines are made ap-plicable to procurement of goods and works for theproject, as provided in the agreement. The rightsand obligations of the Borrower and the providers ofgoods and works for the project are governed by thebidding documents, and by the contracts signed bythe Borrower with the providers of goods and works,and not by these Guidelines or the Loan Agreements.No party other than the parties to the Loan Agree-ment shall derive any rights therefrom or have anyclaim to loan proceeds.
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