This paper deals with a binocular 3-D computer vision system based on the hierarchicalmatching of edge features, Frei and Chen operator is used to extract the edge. The averagegradients of an image obtained by two isotropic operators are non-equal quantized andthresholded in an angle, Edge features are extracted after passing a preemphasis transferfunction which can equalize, the noise affection. Binary edge images are decomposed into apyramid structure which is stored and searched using llliffe’s location method. Corre-sponding points are used to determine the range data using triangulation based on an improvedTrivedi’s formula. In calibration the authors set the optical axes of the two cameras parallelto simplify the calculation, A 3 rd order Householder transform is used to solve the compati-ble coupled equations.
This paper deals with a binocular 3-D computer vision system based on the hierarchical matching of edge features, Frei and Chen operator is used to extract the edge. The average gradients of an image obtained by two isotropic operators are non-equal quantized and thresholded in an angle, Edge features are extracted after passing a preemphasis transfer function which can equalize, the noise affection. Binary edge images are decomposed into a pyramid structure which is stored and searched using llliffe's location method. Corre- sponding points are used to determine the range data using triangulation based on an improved Trivedi's formula. In calibration the authors set the optical axes of the two cameras parallel to simplify the calculation, A 3 rd order Householder transform is used to solve the compati- ble coupled equations.