心肾脾的气血虚衰是促进衰老的首要因素,随着年龄的增长,逐步地发展为老年性气虚综合征或老年性疾病,如脑动脉硬化症、脑梗塞、老年性痴呆等脑血管疾病。 机体重要器官对缺血的耐受性不等,脑对缺血最敏感,活体完全缺血缺氧仅4~6分钟脑就出现永久性损害。Ames等证明,脑缺血后出现“无再流”(no—reflow)现象;脑缺血后再灌注,脑血流量只及正常流量的20%,低于神经细胞存活所需水平。最近文献报道:“无再流’的机制是钙依赖性的。
The protective effects of Sheng Mai and Revised Sheng Mai decoction on anoxic brain damages induced by KCN and reperfusion brain damages induced by reperfusioa after bilateral carotid arterial ligatioa in mice and lipid peroxide formation in normol brain homogenate of mice were compared with those of a-tocopherol in mice. The results showed that the reperfusion brain and anoxic brain group -were injurious to mice resulted in significantly increased lipid peroxide formation in brain tissue than normal brain, while in Sheng Mai and revised Sheng Mai decoction group, the value of corresponding indices mentioned above lowered significantly and did not differ significantly from the free radical scavanger a-tocopherol.
Effects on MAO-B activity in brain of aging mice and NaK^ATPase Jn brain and renal cortex of guinea pig showed that revised Sheng Mai decoction dose-dependently promoted NaK-ATPase activity in brain and renal cortex. Revised Sheng Mai decoction lowered MAO-B activity significantly and did not differ significantly from Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.
These results suggest that Sheng Mai and Revised Sheng Mai decoction may show protective effects against the anoxic brain and reperfusion brain damages, due to its scavenging free radical and ameliorating lipid peroxid formation. The actions of Sheng Mai and Revised Sheng Mai decoction may be helpful for use as an effective medicin for delaying aging.
Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica