
杨树象鼻虫防治方法的探讨 被引量:1

The Control Method of Poplar Weevil
摘要 象鼻虫是东北地区主要的早春苗芽害虫,虫口密度大,危害严重。当地的防治方法多为毒饵法及套袋法,由于毒饵法中使用农药为国家禁用的高毒农药,不环保;套袋法使用成本高、不易操作,难以在大规模造林中使用;因此探讨新的防治方法、选择合适农药是需要探讨的课题。笔者通过在辽宁省新民地区造林地中的试验,认为使用锐劲特浸泡青菜诱杀象鼻虫效果较好,可以在生产中推广使用。 Weevil is the main pest in Northeastern China, which could cause serious damage to the seedlings of early spring due to big density of this pest. Poison bait methord and bagging method are the main control methods in local area. However, poison bait method involves spraying higher toxic pesticide which has been prohibitted by the government, and the cost of bagging method is relatively priey and difficult to put into operation. Consequently, the new method and suitable pesticide need to be disussed. Based on the analysis of the test in the planting site of Xinming county, Liaoning Province, the method that green vegetable is soaked by fipronil to lure and kill weevil is proved to be effective, thus it is worth to use widely in production.
出处 《现代农业科学》 2009年第3期114-115,共2页
关键词 象鼻虫 锐劲特 青菜 诱杀 weevil fipronil green vegetable lure and kill
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