
大学生文化取向内隐效应的实验研究 被引量:11

An Experimental Research on Implicit and Explicit Cultural Orientation of Undergraduates
摘要 分别采用自陈式量表和内隐联想测验(IAT)对424名大学生外显文化取向与内隐文化取向状况及其关系进行研究。结果表明,大学生的外显文化取向以水平个人主义文化取向为主;在IAT测验中,集体主义信息和积极性词汇联结的平均反应时小于其和消极性词汇联结的平均反应时,且差异显著,表明大学生的集体主义文化取向;内隐文化取向的IAT测验与外显文化取向的自陈式量表所测结果之间无显著性相关;不同性别、父母不同文化程度的被试的内隐文化取向无显著性差异,但在外显文化取向上发现有显著差异。 To explore the implicit cultural orientation and its relationship with explicit cultural orientation, the Lmplicit Association Test (LAT) and scales about individualism and collectivism were used to measure the implicit and explicit cultural orientation of 424 undergraduates. The results showed that: 1 )The undergraduates' major explicit cultural orientation was horizontal individualism. 2)The mean reaction time connected between collectivistic information and positive words were significantly smaller than that between collectivistic information and passive words in IAT, the undergraduates' major implicit cultural orientation was collectivism. 3)There was not significant correlation between the results from IAT and scale scores on cultural orientation. 4)The sexual and parents educational level differences were not found in terms of the IAT on implicit cultural orientation, but which were found in explicit cultural orientation.
作者 周丽清 孙山
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期55-60,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
关键词 个人主义 集体主义 外显文化取向 内隐文化取向 individualism collectivism explicit cultural orientation implicit cultural orientation
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