
颈椎损伤的伤残等级及“三期”法医学评定——附64例分析 被引量:1

Forensic Expertise of Disability Degree and Rest,Nursing and Nutrition Period of Cervical Vertebra Injury-Report of 64 Cases
摘要 目的探讨交通事故致颈椎损伤后伤残等级和休息、护理、营养时限的法医学鉴定,以及颈部损伤、原有疾患与后遗症之间因果关系法医学鉴定的原则与方法。方法收集64例颈椎损伤的伤残等级鉴定案例,对相关资料/数据进行统计分析。收集交警部门反馈的涉及伤病关系案件的处理结果,了解案件双方当事人对鉴定结论的认可程度。结果随着对颈椎损伤后伤残评定案件中原发病的认识逐渐增加,相应颈椎损伤涉及伤病关系鉴定的案件也日益增多;在受理的颈椎损伤伤病关系案件中,均按照伤病关系理论进行鉴定,案件处理机关(交通警察)以及双方当事人对鉴定结论均表示满意。结论对于各种颈椎损伤进行伤残等级和"三期"鉴定的案例,由于损伤机制不同,自身原有颈椎健康程度不同,所造成的后果也不尽相同,鉴定中应考虑原有疾病对伤残等级的影响。 Objective To discuss the forensic expertise of disability degree and rest,nursing and nutrition period of cervical vertebra injury caused by traffic accidents and to investigate the forensic expertise of the causal relationship between the cervical injury, intrinsical disease and the harmful consequence. Methods To collect 64 forensic expertise eases involving cervical vertebra injury and to analyze the relative data. Then to consult traffic police the disposal consequence of those eases involve in the causal relationship expertise and to know about the consent degree of both sides concerned. Results With the recognition of the intrinsieal disease in cervical vertebra injury cases, more and more eases were involved in the causal relationship expertise. Those eases accepted by our institution were expertised according to the eausal relationship theory and the results were satisfied by both sides concerned. Conclusion In the forensic expertise of disability degree and the three periods of cervical vertebra injury,different injury mechanism may result in different harmful consequence, so the intrinsical disease should be considered.
出处 《中国司法鉴定》 北大核心 2009年第3期86-88,共3页 Chinese Journal of Forensic Sciences
关键词 颈椎损伤 伤残等级 伤病关系 休息时限 护理时限 营养时限 cervical vertebra injury disability degree causal relationship between injury and disease rest period nursing period nutrition period
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