
基于控制性能考核标准的水火电机组实时协调控制 被引量:2

Control Performance Standard Based Real Time Coordination Control of Hydropower Units and Thermal Units
摘要 省级电网的在线有功调度中,水、火电自动发电控制(automatic generation control,AGC)机组和非AGC机组之间缺乏协调,使得水电AGC机组必须保留较大的备用容量,这不利于节能减排,而且会恶化电网安全运行水平。文章在计划机组和AGC机组之间新增一类协调AGC机组,用于协调S机组和Y机组。依据控制性能考核标准(control performance standard,CPS),把运行状态划分为正常区、预警区和紧急区,根据运行状态划分结果来确定C机组当前的协调策略。文中的协调策略可以保证S机组尽量跟踪计划,同时为Y机组提供容量支持。仿真计算和现场实际控制效果验证了文中算法的正确性和合理性。 In on-line active power dispatching of provincial power grids it is short of the coordination among hydropower AGC units, thermal power AGC units and non-AGC Units, thus the hydropower AGC units have to retain larger spinning reserve, however such a measure is adverse to energy conservation and emission reduction and the secure operation level of power grid will be deteriorated. To solve this problem, in this paper the controllable units in provincial control areas are divided into three categories, i.e. the schedule units (S-units), the coordination AGC units (CA-units) and lag control AGC units (LA-units), and the CA-units cooperate the S-units with LA-units. According to control performance standard (CPS), the operating state of power grid can be divided into normal region, pre-warned region and emergent region, and in the light of the division result of operating state the current coordination strategy of CA-units is determined. The coordination strategy given in this paper can ensure the S-units to trace the scheduling as possible and meanwhile provide capacity support to CA-units. Simulation results and on-site practical control effect validate the correctness and reasonableness of the proposed algorithm.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期54-59,共6页 Power System Technology
基金 国家电网公司科技项目(SGKJ[2003]01-16)
关键词 自动发电控制(AGC) 控制性能考核标准(CPS) 分解协调 运行状态 校正 automatic generation control (AGC) control performance standard (CPS) decomposition and coordination operating state correction
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