
电流驱动磁化动力学及其研究进展 被引量:1

Current-Driven Magnetization Dynamics And Its Research Progress
摘要 电流诱发的自旋转矩效应可驱动磁矩翻转和磁畴运动,其微观机理研究是目前磁学界的一个重要的研究热点。本文介绍了巨磁电阻和隧道磁电阻效应以及其反效应自旋转矩效应的概念和原理及应用。重点介绍了电流驱动磁化动力学机制及其研究进展。对基于电流诱发的磁矩翻转原理的几种新型器件的提出、面临的主要问题以及研制的进展情况也进行了综述。 Spin transfer torque induced by current can reverse the magnetic moment and drive the movement of the magnetic domain-walls , and its mechanism is currently an important research focus in the field of magnetic study. The concepts of the giant magnetoresistance, the tunnel magnetoresistance and the anti-effect -the spin transfer torque effect as well as their principles and applications were introduced. We focus on the mechanism of the current-drive magnetization dynamics and its research progress. Several new types of devices based on the current-induced spin-transfer switching, as well as the main problems facing the progress of the development are also reviewed.
作者 郭子政
出处 《信息记录材料》 2009年第3期45-53,共9页 Information Recording Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(10765003)
关键词 巨磁阻 隧道磁阻 自旋转矩 电流驱动磁化动力学 赛道内存 the giant magnetoresistance the tunnel magnetoresistance spin torque current- driven magnetization dynamics race-track memory
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