
TiC对激光熔覆H13-TiC复合涂层组织和性能的影响 被引量:8

Influence of TiC on Microstructure and Performance of H13-TiC Composite Layer Prepared by Laser Cladding
摘要 为提高热作模具钢的表面性能,在H13钢表面激光熔覆制备了H13-TiC复合涂层,研究了添加不同含量的TiC对H13-TiC复合涂层显微组织的影响,并模拟H13工况,测试了复合涂层的热稳定性、摩擦磨损性能等。结果表明,TiC含量较低时呈现近圆形、菱形等不规则形状;随着TiC含量的提高,呈现棒状、枝晶状等形态;TiC强化相的添加有效提高了材料的热稳定性、耐磨性能,熔覆层的耐磨性比H13基体提高3.5倍。这是TiC陶瓷颗粒在熔覆层中弥散和细晶强化共同作用的结果。 In order to improve the surface performance of the H13 die steel, H13-TIC composite layers were made by laser cladding on the H13 die steel substrates. The influences of TiC content on microstructure and properties of H13-TiC composite layer prepared by laser cladding were studied. The thermal stability and friction properties were examined with reference to working conditions of the H13 die. The results show that the shapes of TiC are round, irregular, claviform and dendritic with the increase of TiC content. The TiC improves the micro-hardness, thermal stability and wear resistance. The wear resistance of H13-TiC composite layers is 3.5 times higher than that of uncladding H13 steel. The reason is that the result of the combined action of dispersive strength and thin grain of TiC.
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第14期92-96,共5页 Hot Working Technology
基金 浙江省重大科技专项重点工业项目(2008C11097) 浙江省科技厅项目(2008C31041)
关键词 激光熔覆 H13-TiC 复合涂层 热稳定性 耐磨损性 laser cladding H13-TiC composite layers thermal stability wear resistance
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