
空间诱变条件下蜜蜂后代的波动性不对称 被引量:2

Fluctuating asymmetry in honeybee offspring under the condition of space mutation
摘要 利用航天搭载的雄蜂精液对处女王进行人工授精,产卵后大量培育后代蜂王;以SP1、SP2及SP3代蜂王后代工蜂为研究对象,考查波动性不对称(fluctuating asymmetry,FA)在不同代次种群中各对称性状间的表现情况。结果表明:SP1、SP2和SP3代工蜂的前翅长及肘脉a均表现出FA,SP1、SP2代的对照组中均未出现,而SP3代的对照组蜂群则全部表现出FA;与对照蜂群相比,空间诱变后代的前翅长及翅脉a的FA值均较高。此外,讨论FA在蜜蜂种群对生态环境适应性上应用以及利用蜜蜂的FA来监测环境污染的可能性及发展前景。 The virgin queens were inseminated with the semen carried by the recoverable satellite for space mutation, and many new virgin queens were bred from the laid eggs. Using the offspring of SP1 and SP2 and SP3 generations as materials, the fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was estimated for different symmetric characters in the honeybee populations. The results indicated that FA was found in forewing length and cubital vein "a" in all 3 generations, while there was no FA found in the control groups SP1 and SP2, but FA was found in the control group SP3 for the two symmetric characters. The values of FA for forewing length and cubital vein "a" were significantly higher than those of the control populations. The applications of honeybee FA in adaptation of ecological environment and the possibility of using honeybee FA as a sensitive indicator of environmental pollution were also discussed.
作者 郭军 罗其花
出处 《昆虫知识》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期542-546,共5页 Entomological Knowledge
基金 国家航天育种工程项目课题(2006HT100149) 农业部引进国际先进农业科学技术项目(2006-G19)
关键词 空间诱变 蜜蜂 波动性不对称 生态适应性 space mutagenesis, honeybee, fluctuating asymmetry, ecological adaptation
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