
裹包TMR饲喂对奶牛生产性能及消化特性的影响 被引量:5

Effect of baled total mixed ration on performance and digestive characteristics of dairy cows
摘要 试验选择24头经产泌乳末期荷斯坦奶牛,采用完全随机试验设计,分为试验组和对照组,试验组奶牛饲喂裹包全混合日粮,对照组采用常规精粗分开饲喂方式进行饲喂,旨在研究裹包TMR对泌乳末期奶牛生产性能及消化特性的影响。结果表明,试验组奶牛的产奶量、4%标准乳、饲料效率、乳蛋白和乳糖产量显著高于对照组(P<0.05),干物质采食量、乳成分含量和体细胞计数试验组与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验组日粮中粗蛋白和粗脂肪的表观消化率显著高于对照组(P<0.01),其他日粮养分的表观消化率在两处理组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。采用裹包TMR饲喂奶牛,与精粗分开饲喂方式相比,可提高奶牛的产奶性能和日粮养分表观消化率。 The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of baled total mixed ration on per- for- mance and digestive characteristics of late lactation dairy cows. Total twenty-four multiparous Holstein cows were used in a complete randomized design and divided into treatment and control groups, respectively. Animals were offered baled total mixed ration and forge and concentrated separately for treatment and control groups, respectively. The results showed that consumption of baled total mixed ration increased cow milk production, 4% FCM yields, feed efficiency, milk protein and lactose yields compared with feeding forge and concentrated separately (,~〈0.05). Dry matter intake, percentage of composition in the milk and somatic cell count were similar for two groups (P〉0.05). Compared with the control group, the apparent digestibility of crude protein and fat were higher in the baled TMR treatment (P〈0.05), while no difference was observed in that of other nutrients (P〉0.05). The trial indicated that compared with the control group, that the baled total mixed ration increased milk performance and the nutrient apparent digestibility of dairy cows.
出处 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期63-67,共5页 Journal of Northeast Agricultural University
基金 “十一五”科技支撑计划(2006BAD12B08)
关键词 全混合日粮 奶牛 生产性能 表观消化率 total mixed ration dairy cows performance apparent digestibility
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