
富铁发芽糙米生产工艺研究 被引量:9

Study on the Production Process of Iron-enriched Germinated Brown Rice
摘要 [目的]研究富铁发芽糙米的最佳生产工艺。[方法]以江西产糙米为原料,首先确定糙米发芽的最适浸泡条件与培养条件,然后在糙米发芽过程中以不同浓度硫酸亚铁(稀释浓度为0.25、0.50、1.00、2.50和5.00 g/L)处理,考察硫酸亚铁浓度对糙米发芽率及发芽糙米中铁含量的影响及铁元素富集情况,优化富铁发芽糙米的生产工艺条件。[结果]在一定范围内,发芽糙米中铁元素含量随硫酸亚铁浓度的增大而逐渐增加。最佳的富铁发芽糙米生产工艺为:以浓度为0.25 g/L的硫酸亚铁作为浸泡液,在28℃下浸泡糙米9 h,再转入30℃恒温恒湿培养箱培养20 h。在此条件下可得到铁元素含量为100 mg/kg,发芽率大于80%的富铁发芽糙米。[结论]在生产富铁发芽糙米时浸泡液中硫酸亚铁浓度不宜超过1.0 g/L。 [ Objective ] The aim was to research the optimal production process of iron-enriched germinated brown rice. [ Method ] With the brown rice originated in Jiang-xi as raw material, the most proper conditions of soaking and culture for the brown rice germination were con- finned at first, and then brown rice was treated with ferrous sulphate ( FeSO4 ) with different conen.( diluted concn, of O. 25, 0.50, 1.00, 2. 50 and 5. IX) g/L) in the course of brown rice germination, the effect of FeSO4 conch, on the brown rice germination and iron content in ger- minated brown rice as well as the enrichment state of Fe element were investigated, and the production process conditions of iron enriched ger- minated brown rice were optimized. [ Result ] Within a certain scope, the Fe element content in germinated brown rice was risen up gradually with the increase of FeSO4 conch. The best production process of iron enriched germinated brown rice was : with FeSO4 of 0.25 g/L concn, as soak solution, the brown rice were dipped in 9 h at 28 ℃, and then shifted to the constant temperature and humidity cabinet at 30 ℃ to culti- vate for 20 h. And under these conditions, the iron-enrlched germinated brown rice with Fe element content of 100 mg/kg and germination of more than 80% could be obtained. [ Conclusion] The FeSO4 eoncn, in soaking solution should not be exceeded 1 g/L during the production of iron-enriched germinated brown rice.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第26期12703-12704,12707,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 发芽糙米 富铁 发芽率 Germinated brown rice Iron-enriched Germination rate
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