
电网低碳效益评估模型及其应用 被引量:85

Assessment Model on Low-Carbon Effects of Power Grid and Its Application
摘要 全球气候变化是人类社会实现可持续发展所面临的重要挑战,而电力行业的低碳化发展则是应对挑战的关键举措。电网是连接发电侧和用电侧的枢纽,也是实现发电侧与用电侧低碳效益的重要载体,在实现电力低碳化发展中具有极为重要的作用。文章在深入探讨电网低碳效益的形成机理与特征的基础上,提出了电网低碳效益的概念与相应的分析方法,并建立了一个标准化的电网低碳效益评估模型,以实现对于不同输电网络与不同能量传输模式的量化分析与灵敏度判别。文章还根据我国典型数据分析了电网在电能传输过程中的低碳效益,并验证了模型的有效性。 During the sustainable development of human society, global climate change is one of the grand challenge problems to be faced with, and the low carbon emission based development of electric power industry is a key measure to meet the challenge. Power grids are the connection facilities between power suppliers and power consumers; as the most important carrier by which the low carbon effects at power supplier side and power consumer side are implemented, power grids will play an extreme important role during the low carbon emission based development of electric power industry. After the detailed analysis on the forming mechanism of low-carbon effect of power grid and its features, a concept of low-carbon effect of power grid and corresponding analyzing method are proposed, and a standardized assessment model for low-carbon effect of power grid is built to implement the quantized analysis and sensitivity judgment for different power grids under various transmission networks and energy tansmission modes. On this basis, based on the typical data in China the low carbon effect of power grid during the electricity transmission is analyzed and the effectiveness of the proposed model is verified.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第17期1-7,共7页 Power System Technology
基金 国家电网公司科技项目 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目(教外司留[2009]1001号)
关键词 低碳电力 电网低碳效益 碳减排 能源转运 评估模型 low-carbon electricity low-carbon effect of power grid CO2 emission cutting energy delivering assessment model
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