The experimental study of Qi fen syndrome in seasonal prevalent diseases(Win Bing) treated with Qingqi Tang, Qingqi Huayu Tang, Qingqi Yangyin Tang and Qingqi Huayu Yangyin Tang was done pespectively, and compared with normal group and control group. The result showed that, in the experimental animals, there were the conditions of DIC and hepercoogulability in Qi fen syndrome, there were not only the impairment of fluids but also the consumption of blood. The charater of blood bonsumption was not only the reduce of blood volume but also mostly the reduce of hemocyte and other blood constituent, accompanied by the serious functional disturbance. In different groups, the effect of Qingqi Huayu Yangyin Tang was the best while that in Baihu Tang (White Tiger Decoction) was worse. It indicates that, the Qi fen syndrome has the pathological changes of intense heat, blood stasis and Yin deficiency. The treatment should be focused on clearing heat, nourishing Yin and activating blood to remove stasis.
Journal of Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
seasonal prevalent diseases/TCM ther
Qi Fen diseases/TCM ther
Clearing heat of Qi (agents)/ther use
Yin reinforcing agent/ther use
activating blood removing stasis/ther use
@ Qingqi Huayu Yangyin Tang