
第一段盘磨转速对P-RC APMP制浆性能的影响 被引量:1

The Effect of Primary Refiner Speed on P-RC APMP Refining of Eucalyptus Chips
摘要 采用3种不同的盘磨转速进行第一段磨浆,研究盘磨转速对小叶桉P-RC APMP制浆性能的影响。结果表明:小叶桉物料在相同条件下进行汽蒸、挤压和化学预浸渍后,分别采用3500 r/min和4000 r/min的盘磨转速进行第一段磨浆,浆料磨至游离度670 mL时所需磨浆电耗与3000 r/min时的相比,分别下降16%和27%;浆料中纤维束含量分别降低20%和35%;第一段磨后浆料再分别经相同盘磨转速(3000 r/min)的后续磨浆后,与相近游离度的浆料性能比较可知,随第一段磨浆盘磨转速的提高,浆料的细小组分含量略有增加,纤维束含量显著降低,强度性能有不同程度的改善,但光学性能变化不显著。 Eucalyptus exserta F. v. Muell woodchips were pulped by using P-RC APMP process, the effects of different primary refining speeds on pulping properties were investigated. Results showed that, the specific refining energy consumption is decreased with increment of rotation speed of the primary refiner. At freeness level of about 670 mL CSF, for example, the specific refining energy consumptions is 363 kWh/t o. d. at 3000 r/min, and 305 kWh/t o.d. at 3500 r/min, which is equivalent to 16% energy saving, furthermore the specific energy consumption is only 265 kWh/t o.d. at 4000 r/min, which means 27% less refining energy required. At the same time, pulps produced at higher refiner speed have higher strength properties and lower shives contents. There is little change of optical properties of the pulps.
出处 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第10期1-4,共4页 China Pulp & Paper
基金 国家"十一五"支撑计划项目"木材清洁高效制浆造纸技术研究"(2006BAD18B0501)
关键词 盘磨转速 P-RC APMP 磨浆电耗 强度性能 光学性能 筛分组分 refiner speed P-RC APMP specific refining energy strength properties optical properties fiber fractions
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