

Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shengmai Injection on Blood IL-8 and ET in Rabbits with Severe Myocardiac Contusion
摘要 【目的】探讨严重心肌挫伤(Sever Myocardiac Contusion,SMC)早期血浆内皮素(ET)、血清白介素-8(IL-8)水平的改变及生脉注射液的治疗作用。【方法】选取健康新西兰大白兔24只,随机分为三组:对照组(伪撞击组)、严重心肌挫伤组(SMC组)、生脉注射液治疗组(SIT组),每组8只。利用BIM-Ⅱ型水平式生物撞击机制备兔SMC模型,制模后10min对照组及SMC组由耳缘静脉静滴生理盐水4mL/kg,SIT组静滴生脉注射液4mL/kg。各组分别于伤前30min、伤后30min、1h、2h、3h、4h、6h、8h自股静脉采血,分别测血清IL-8、ET含量。【结果】对照组血浆ET、血清IL-8在各时点无明显变化。SMC组伤后各时点血浆ET、血清IL-8含量均增高并高于对照组相应时间点(P〈0.05)。SIT组在撞击后血浆ET、血清IL-8含量高于撞击前,与对照组相应时间点比较也有不同程度的升高,但显著低于SMC组各时间点(P〈0.05)。【结论】兔SMC后血浆ET、血清IL8水平显著升高,生脉注射液能有效降低二者水平。 [ObjectivelTo study the effect of traditional chinese medicine Shengmai Injection on blood interleukin-8(IL-8) and ET(endothelins) in rabbits with severe myocardiac contusion(SMC). [Methods] Twenty four healthy New Zealand white rabbits were divided randomly and equally into control group without impact (Control group, n =8), severe myocardiac contusion group (SMC group, n =8) and Shengmai injection treated group (SIT group, n = 8). The model of SMC was established with BIM-Ⅱ horizontal Bio-impactor through impacting on rabbits. In points of 0.5h before and 0.5h, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 6h and 8h after injury, rabbit's blood was taken from femoral vein to measure blood IL-8 and plasma ET. [Results] No prominent change in content of ET and IL-8 was observed on each point of control group. In SMC group, the content of ET in plasma and serum IL-8 increased continuely after impact,and was higher than that at the same point of control group ( P 〈0.05). The content of plasma ET and serum IL-8 in SIT group at post impact was higher than that at pre-impact, and also was higher in different level than that at the same points of control group, but was lower prominently than that at the same points of SMC group( P 〈0.05). [Conclusion] The increasing of ET in plasma and IL-8 in serum after SMC can aggravate myocardial second-injury. Shengmai injection can decrease the levels of ET in plasma and IL-8 in serum.
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2009年第10期1840-1842,共3页 Journal of Clinical Research
关键词 挫伤 心脏损伤 生脉散/投药和剂量 注射剂 内皮缩血管肽类/血液 白细胞介素8/血液 contusions heart injuries SHENGMAI POWDERS/AD INJECTIO endothelins/ BL interleukin-8/BL
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