
基于位置的层次式Chord模型 被引量:6

Hierarchical Chord Model Based on Locality
摘要 P2P网络中逻辑网络与底层物理网络拓扑不匹配以及路由表冗余问题导致路由效率低下,节点的异构性产生节点瓶颈。针对上述问题,在Chord的基础上利用节点的位置信息提出一种基于位置的层次式模型ALHChord。模拟实验表明,该模型可以有效提高路由效率,解决节点异构性问题,减少整个系统的维护开销。 In P2P network, the issues of the mismatching topology between the overlay network and the underlying physical network, and redundancy of finger table, which may lead to inefficient routing, heterogeneity of nodes may produce bottleneck. Aiming at these problems, on base of the Chord, this paper proposes a hierarchical Chord model named ALHChord with localities of nodes. Simulation experiments show that the model can effectively improve the efficiency of routing, solve the heterogeneity of nodes, and reduce maintenance costs of the whole system.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第21期114-116,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 CHORD模型 路由表 异构性 Chord model route table heterogeneity
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