
普通杏(Prunus armeniaca)初级核心种质资源的构建及评价 被引量:27

Establishment and evaluation of primary core collection of apricot(Armeniaca vulgaris) germplasm
摘要 核心种质的构建不仅能够提高种质圃资源的保存效率、方便资源的管理,而且有利于种质资源的深入研究和种质创新。以国家果树种质熊岳李杏圃中保存的447份普通杏为材料,利用40个农艺性状的鉴定数据,对核心种质构建的几种聚类取样方案进行比较,明确了杏初级核心种质构建的最佳取样方案。在按品种类群分组的基础上,采用S策略经过多次聚类抽样,获得由111份种质材料组成的初级核心样本集,占总体样本比例25%。对该初级核心种质遗传多样性进行检测和评价,结果表明本研究所构建的初级核心种质能够很好地保留普通杏种质资源的遗传多样性。 The core collection has been well accepted as a useful way to improve the efficiency of crop germplasm evaluation,conservation and utilization.In order to characterize and utilize the germplasm more efficiently for further apricot improvement,the available morphological and agronomic data of apricot were analyzed for developing a core collection.Total of 447 accessions of apricot(Armeniaca vulgaris L.) germplasm collected by the Xiongyue National Germplasm Repository for Plums and Apricots and 40 agronomic traits of them were used for studying the optimal clustering method for primary core collection of apricot.The whole collection was grouped by origin locations,then based on the data of the agronomic traits,the accessions in each origin location were clustered by SPSS program.The primary core collection consisting of 111 accessions,which was 25% of the whole collection,were randomly selected by Improved Least Distance Stepwise Sampling strategy(ILDSS) form this group whole collection accessions.The genetic diversity of primary core collection were compared with the whole collection,which showed that the genetic variation in the primary core collection was well presented in the whole collection based on comparison of diversity index of the involved traits.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期819-825,共7页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 作物种质资源保护项目(NB08-2130135-03) 国家科技基础条件平台重点项目(2005DK21002-19)
关键词 普通杏(Prunus ARMENIACA L.) 初级核心种质 聚类 遗传多样性 Apricot(Armeniaca vulgaris L.) Primary core collection Clustering Genetic diversity
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