Gynecomastia, characterized by the growth of breast glandular tissue in boys, is occasionally seen inclinics. This growth can manifest at any age, but 40% of cases present in adolescent boys. Even though gynecomastia is a benign condition, patients are often emotionally burdened by this condition. The pathophysiological process of gynecomastia is mainly due to the imbalance between testosterone and free estrogen effects on the breast tissue, and hormone therapy. The disease is characterized by declined testosterone and slightly elevated estrogen.
Gynecomastia, characterized by the growth of breast glandular tissue in boys, is occasionally seen inclinics. This growth can manifest at any age, but 40% of cases present in adolescent boys. Even though gynecomastia is a benign condition, patients are often emotionally burdened by this condition. The pathophysiological process of gynecomastia is mainly due to the imbalance between testosterone and free estrogen effects on the breast tissue, and hormone therapy. The disease is characterized by declined testosterone and slightly elevated estrogen.