
机架式服务器热特性数值仿真与优化 被引量:4

Numerical simulation and optimization of thermal characteristic of rack server
摘要 现代电子产品的集成化程度和功耗的不断增加导致了系统热流密度急剧上升,由此带来的过热问题已成为制约电子设备发展的主要因素,而热仿真技术为解决该问题提供了有效手段。通过以2U机架式服务器的为研究对象,对所建的数学模型进行了仿真计算,给出服务器的热流场分布。通过对求解结果分析,找出初始设计的不合理因素,采用基于试验设计(DoE)的循序优化法(SO)和响应面优化法(RSO)分别对芯片布局和散热器结构进行优化设计,其结果满足服务器热设计要求。 Increasing scale of integration and power dissipation have led to significant increase in power densities in modern electronic equipments,which makes overheating problems become a main ob-stacle to the development of electronic equipments.The technology of thermal simulation provides an ef-fective approach to solve above problems.The 2U rack server is used to verify the mathematical model.Then,the distribution of temperature and fluid field of the server is simulated.Unreasonable factors in o-riginal design process are found by analysis of the results.Sequential optimization(SO)and response sur-face optimization(RSO)methods are used to optimize the layout of chips and the structure of heat sinks,respectively.Finally,the performance of server meets the requirements of thermal design.
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2009年第12期196-198,共3页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 军事预研基金资助项目(YG060101C)
关键词 热分析 数值仿真 机架式服务器 试验设计 循序优化 响应面优化 Thermal analysis Rack server Chassis Design of experiments Sequential opti-mization Response surface optimization
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