
黔西南水银洞层控超大型卡林型金矿床成矿模式及成矿预测研究 被引量:60

Metallogenic Model and Prognosis of the Shuiyindong Super-Large Stratabound Carlin-Type Gold Deposit,Southwestern Guizhou Province,China
摘要 贵州省贞丰县水银洞金矿是一个近年来发现的、具较高品位、资源量已达超大型的层控卡林型金矿床。矿床受灰家堡背斜核部构造和有利岩性组合控制。金矿床具有低温成矿特征,出现去碳酸盐化、硅化、黄铁矿化和粘土化等围岩蚀变,特征的Au-As-Hg-Tl元素组合。成矿流体具有低温低盐度和较高压力和富挥发份的特点,均一温度在220℃左右,盐度在6%NaCl左右,压力为160±40MPa。成矿物质主要来自深部。高压和富挥发份促使成矿流体从深部迁移至控矿背斜核部,并由于构造作用挥发份的快速逃逸,压力骤降,促使流体快速卸载,金快速沉淀,形成水银洞超大型层控卡林型金矿床。根据找矿标志及成矿和找矿模型,进行了成矿预测研究并取得很好效果,使水银洞金矿新增储量数十吨,并且预示该类型金矿找矿远景巨大,已经成为黔西南第一个超大型层控卡林型金矿床。 The Shuiyindong Cu deposit is one of the largest (more than 100 tons of Au) and highest grade (more than 7× 10^6 to 10 × 10^6), stratabound carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou Province, China. The deposit is controlled by both the structure and favorable lithology. It is characterized by the low temperature mineralization and country rocks' alterations, such as decarbonation, silicification, sulfidation and argillization, and shows an Au-As-Hg-TI assemblage. Research shows that mineralized fluid is characterized by low temperature and salinity, and high pressure and volatile, with a homegenization temperature of 220℃±, a salinity of 6 % NaCl+ and a pressure of 160±40 Ma. All the evidence suggests that ore-forming material originated from deep pluton. Ore-forming fluid driven by high pressure and volatile components migrates from depth to the core section of ore-controlling anticline. The fast escape of structural volatiles and decrease of pressure speed up the unloading of ore-forming fluid and gold precipitation, thus forming the super-large stratabound carlin-type gold deposit. Based on prospecting criteria and mineralization and prospecting models, this study made a success in mineralized prognosis. Au reserves in the Suiyindong Cu deposit increases by tens of tons, showing that it becomes a super-large stratabound carlin-type gold deposit. Our research also suggests a bright prospection of exploration for the deposits of this kind.
出处 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期1473-1482,共10页 Acta Geologica Sinica
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(编号2006BAB01A13) 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室自主研究课题(矿研专2008.3-2)资助成果
关键词 层控卡林型金矿床 成矿模式 成矿预测 水银洞 黔西南 stratabound carlin-type gold deposit metallogenic model metallogenic frognosis Shuiyingdong southwestern Guizhou
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