In this paper, we present a nonorthogonal overlapping Yee method for solv- ing Maxwell's equations using the diagonal split-cell model. When material interface is presented, the diagonal split-cell model does not require permittivity averaging so that better accuracy can be achieved. Our numerical results on optical force computation show that the standard FDTD method converges linearly, while the proposed method achieves quadratic convergence and better accuracy.
In this paper, we present a nonorthogonal overlapping Yee method for solv- ing Maxwell's equations using the diagonal split-cell model. When material interface is presented, the diagonal split-cell model does not require permittivity averaging so that better accuracy can be achieved. Our numerical results on optical force computation show that the standard FDTD method converges linearly, while the proposed method achieves quadratic convergence and better accuracy.
supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under Grant numbers FA9550-04-1-0213 and FA9550-07-1-0010