
无线传感器网络基于节点行为的信誉评测模型 被引量:23

Reputation model based on behaviors of sensor nodes in WSN
摘要 提出了一种无线传感器网络下的节点行为评测模型MA&TP-BRSN。MA&TP-BRSN综合考虑了网内节点的多种内部攻击行为和自私行为,并给出了对应于各类攻击的节点信任值的计算和整合方法。同时,为了消除测评过程中第三方节点恶意推荐和诋毁行为对测评结果的影响,MA&TP-BRSN引入了节点评价行为的概念,将节点评价行为与通信行为区分开来,建立了对第三方节点恶意评价行为的具体测评方法,并在此基础上给出了节点间接信誉参数的更新计算方法。实验结果表明,该模型能够更快更准确地识别出具有多种恶意行为的内部节点,并在一定程度上消除了高信誉节点的恶意诽谤行为对测评结果的影响。 A reputation model MA&TP-BRSN for evaluating behaviors of sensor nodes in WSN was proposed. In MA&TP-BRSN, multiple internal attacks and selfish behaviors of nodes were synthetically considered, and the methods for calculating and integrating the credibility aiming at various types of attacks were given. Moreover, in order to elimi- nate the influence upon the evaluation results affected by malicious recommendation and defamation behaviors of the third party, the conception of evaluation behavior of node was introduced into MA&TP-BRSN so as to distinguish evaluation behavior from communication behavior of node, then the concrete method for evaluating the malicious evaluation behaviors of the third party was established and the methods for updating and calculating the indirect reputa- tion parameters of nodes were given in MA&TP-BRSN. The experimental results show that MA&TP-BRSN has better performance in terms of resisting the malicious defamation behaviors of high credit-grade nodes and identifying the internal malicious nodes which launch multiple attacks.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期18-26,共9页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家242信息安全计划基金资助项目(2007B17) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60803144)~~
关键词 无线传感器网络 安全 信誉机制 评价行为 BETA分布 wireless sensor networks security reputation system evaluation behavior Beta distribution
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