
汽车制造企业精益生产系统模型 被引量:47

Model of Lean Production System for Automobile Manufacture Enterprise
摘要 精益生产作为一个舶来品,大多数企业还不知道如何将之与中国企业的实际结合起来。针对我国企业实施精益生产中存在的问题,在对汽车制造企业广泛调研的基础上,结合精益生产的基本原理,为我国汽车制造企业设计一个包括行为规范、领导能力、人员培训、工作小组、全员生产维护、制造工程、工位过程控制、工业物流、同步化物流、安全管理、环境管理以及质量管理等在内的由12个模块组成的精益生产系统模型。同时,通过对精益生产体系文件结构、推进模型以及评价模型的设计,从而保证该模型能够在汽车制造企业中实现程序化、分阶段的整体实施,以及对实施效果进行有效跟踪和评价。通过该模型在汽车制造企业的实际运用,证实该模型的有效性和可行性。 Many enterprises still don't know how to combine it with Chinese enterprise's practice for this exotic. Based on extensive investigation of automobile manufacture enterprises for these problems that exist in the process of implementing lean production and the basic principle of lean production, a lean production system model that consists of behavior criterion, leadership, worker training, work group, total production maintenance, manufacturing engineering, in-station process control, industrial logistics, synchronization logistics, safety, environment and quality operation system is designed for Chinese automobile enterprises. Meanwhile the system file structure, implementation model and evaluation model of lean production system are designed to guarantee this lean production system model effectively implementing, tracking and evaluating the effect. Finally, it is proved that this model is feasible through practical application in automobile enterprises.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期93-98,105,共7页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
关键词 精益生产 汽车制造企业 评价体系 丰田生产方式 模型 Lean production Automobile manufacture enterprise Evaluation system Toyota production system Model
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