2000年以来,四川广汉、华阳等养鸭密集地区流行鸭肿头败血症(Duck Swollen Head Septicemia,DSHs)。本研究对临床诊治的10余万鸭肿头败血症病鸭进行了流行病学、临床症状和病理变化分析,用4种防治方案对病鸭进行防治效果观察。结果显示,不同年龄、品种的鸭均可发病,无性别及季节性差异,发病急,发病率达90%~100%,死亡率达40%~80%。从典型病例分离的2株病毒(DSHS-XD株和DSHS-NF株),与鸭瘟病毒无抗原相关性。用鸭瘟弱毒疫苗紧急预防,鸭瘟卵黄抗体紧急治疗,无明显效果。用鸭肿头败血症XD株蜂胶灭活苗紧急预防,或同时配伍搏抗素、干扰素、黄芪多糖等抗病毒药物,能有效控制疫情。
Duck swollen head septicemia (DSHS) occurred in duck raising areas in Guanghan and Huayang, Sichuan since year 2000. Four prevent measures were used to observe the control effects on the epidemiology, clinic symptoms, pathologic changes about 100 thousand of DSHS sick ducks to deeply study the disease. Results showed that there was no difference in duck sex and seasons, diseased happened in different age and breed of ducks, and the disease had characters of quick onset, 90%-100% of morbidity and 40%- 80% of mortality. The two virus stain DSHS-XD and DSHS-NF separated from typical symptoms ducks had no antigen correlation with duck plaque virus (DPV). There was no control effects urgently prevented by attenuated duck plaque virus vaccine and duck plague yolk antibody. But the diseases could be effectively controlled with inactive propolis adjuvant vaccine duck swollen head septicemia XD strain, or cured with "Bao Kan Su", interferon, and astragalan polysaccharide (APS), etc.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences