
21世纪比较教育学发展的新趋势 被引量:4

The New Trends of Comparative Education Development in the 21st Century
摘要 比较教育是人类教育发展到一定历史阶段的产物,经历了从史前游记到评论介述再到有意识地引介的古典研究阶段,并随着文艺复兴运动到工业革命以来现代教育的萌兴及推动促使科学比较教育学科迅速发展。走向21世纪,比较教育开始从早期的全盘借鉴和经验借鉴逐步转向按教育发展规律进行理性借鉴的新阶段,呈现出多元性、整体性、战略性和综合性等特点,把握比较教育学科这些重大特征和学科转变,对于推进我国教育现代化具有一定的促进作用。 Comparative education is a product of human educational development to a special historical stage, it has experienced a classical research phase from prehistoric journey to comments and introduction,then to conscious introduction,and has promoted scientific comparative education to develop quickly along with the R.enaissance and the promotion of modern education since the industrial revolution. In the 21st century, comparative education has turned into a new stage of rational reference from overall borrowing and experience borrowing at the earlier stage,showing the diversity, hohstic,strategic and integrated characteristics. So it is of great importance for the promotion of our country's educational modernization to grasp these characteristics and transformations of comparative education.
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期10-14,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 世界比较教育学 比较教育新趋势 中国比较教育学 comparative education in the world new trends of comparative education Chinese comparative education
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  • 2冯增俊,陈时见,项贤明.当代比较教育学[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2008.23.
  • 3UNESCO大会第24届会议记录[z].1987-10-2011987-11-20.21.





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