BACKGROUND:Donor complications have been detected following autologous tendon transplantation for posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.Although artificial tendon development and tissue-engineered tendon have achieved great progresses,there are some issues in clinical application.Since 1980's,allogenic tendon transplantation has aroused increasing attention.OBJECTIVE:To explore the selection of allogenic tendon materials and the effect of their application on reconstructing posterior cruciate ligament.METHODS:A total of 17 patients with posterior cruciate ligament injury of knee joint were treated with cryopreserved allogenic tendon by Tibial-inlay technique.During the operation,two tracts of tendons soaked in gentamicin saline for 15 minutes were conduplicated,and one end of the tendon was cancellous bone screw and fixed to the tibia attachment point of posterior cruciate ligament,and the other end was introduced into the joint through retention suture.The posterior joint capsule was repaired.The patient was placed at supine position,and the knee was flexed for 90°.The other end of the graft was introduced to femoral tunnel,and anterior drawer was tensed,and fixed by screw.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIN:The preoperative posterior drawer test of patients was 2+,including 7 cases of 3+ and 6 of 4+.The postoperative posterior drawer test was 0 in 4 cases,1+ in 8 cases,2+ in 4 cases and 3+ in 1 case,suggesting the posterior movement of the knee joint was significantly improved.Lysholm scores of patients were(48.5±4.3)points before operation and(88.3±5.4)points after operation.Results show that cryopreserved allogenic tendon by Tibial-inlay technique could restored function of posterior cruciate ligament with a favorable effect.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research