
基于流形分离技术的稀疏均匀圆阵快速DOA估计方法 被引量:8

A Fast Algorithm of DOA Estimation for Sparse Uniform Circular Array Based on Manifold Separation Technique(MST)
摘要 该文针对阵元数有限以及阵元稀疏的均匀圆阵,提出基于流形分离技术(Manifold Separation Technique,MST)的快速波达方向估计算法,PM-Root-MUSIC方法。该方法避免了均匀圆阵中基于相位模式激励原理的波束空间变换所带来的映射误差,同时利用传播因子(PM)和根MUSIC算法,避免了传统算法中的特征分解和谱峰搜索过程,有效降低了计算量,并获得了接近克罗美劳(Cramer-Rao)下限的估计精度。仿真实验验证了该文算法的有效性。 A novel version of PM-Root-MUSIC algorithm is developed in this paper. The algorithm is based on the Manifold Separation Technique (MST) for fast DOA estimation of Uniform Circular Array (UCA) when elements of UCA are sparse. The method does not suffer from the mapping error caused by classic beamspace transform and does not need eigenvalue decomposition,so the computational burden is greatly reduced and the estimation results are close to CRB performance. Simulation results show the method is effective.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期963-966,共4页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 国家863计划项目(2005AA05077) 江苏省六大人才高峰计划A类(P0952-041)资助课题
关键词 均匀圆阵 波束空间变换 PM方法 流形分离技术 Uniform Circular Array (UCA) Beamspace transform Propagator Method (PM) Manifold Separation Technique (MST)
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