
胡适海外汉学观研究 被引量:2

The research on the view of Hu Shi to overseas sinology
摘要 作为国学大师的胡适与许多著名的海外汉学家交往密切。研读他们交往的点点滴滴,不难发现,胡适海外汉学观演变的逻辑规律。笔者将其归为大体否定、部分认同、理性存疑、感性挑剔四个阶段。尽管胡适的海外汉学观是发展变化的,但他对海外汉学家的评衡始终以国学研究的校勘考证为主要方法。本文拟借搜罗的史料对此发展理路作一详尽的阐释。 As a Chinese studying master, Hu Shi kept an intimate relationship with many overseas sinologists. By studying the details of their contact, it is easy to find that the view of Hu Shi towards the overseas sinology roughly underwent the following logic stages : I sum it up to four stages : negative stage, partly identity, rational skepsis and emotional hypercriticism. Hu Shi ' s attitude towards overseas sinology is varying according to different periods and different objects, but in his evaluation to sinology, he always adopts the method of collating and textual research on the study of Chinese classics as the main one. This essay tries to deliberate over the sequence of development with rich historical material.
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期90-97,共8页 Historical Research In Anhui
关键词 胡适 海外汉学 校勘考证 Hu Shi overseas sinology collation and textual research
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  • 1胡适.《胡适口述自传》,耿云志、李国彤编.《胡适传记作品全编》第1卷下册,东方出版中心1999年版,第136页.
  • 2胡适.《致陈之迈》,耿云志、欧阳哲生编.《胡适书信集1950-1962》(下),北京大学出版社1996年版,第1214页.
  • 3胡适.《致赵元任夫妇》,耿云志、欧阳哲生编.《胡适书信集1950-1962》(下),第1291页.
  • 4Arthur Waley:"Some References to Iranian Temples in the Tun-huang Region",台北《"中央研究院"历史语言研究所集刊--庆祝胡适先生六十五岁论文集》上册,第28本,1956年12月,第133页.
  • 5胡适.《校勘学方法论--序陈垣先生的〈元典章校补释例〉》,欧阳哲生编.《胡适文集》第5册,北京大学出版社1998年版,第108、112-114页.
  • 6胡适.《治学方法》,载《胡适言论集》(甲编)(台北:华国出版社,1953年5月).
  • 7胡适:"Notes on Dr.Lionel Giles Article on the Tun Huang Lu",周质平、韩荣芳整理.《胡适全集·英文著述一》第35卷,第108-113页.
  • 8Hu Shih:"Introduction to Herrymon Maurer,Collision of East and West",周质平、韩荣芳整理,《胡适全集·英文著述五》第39册,第281-289页.
  • 9《敦煌录》[J].亚洲学会杂志,.
  • 10Hu Shih:"The Exchange of Ideas between the Occident and the Orient",周质平、韩荣芳整理.《胡适全集·英文著述四》第38卷,第291-320页.




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