
共轭亚油酸碱催化法甲酯化条件研究 被引量:1

Effect of Base-catalyzed Methylation of Conjugated Linoleic Acid
摘要 在共轭亚油酸高效液相色谱法分析中,通过单因素试验和响应面分析法,研究了NaOCH3-CH3OH甲酯化分析奶样中CLA的最佳条件。在单因素实验的基础上,以Box-Behnken响应面分析法(三因素三水平)优化甲酯化条件。实验结果表明:最适衍生化条件为NaOCH3-CH3OH添加量为8.56mL,温度为24.4℃,时间为12.8min。并以该条件对液态奶中的9c,11t-CLA含量进行了测定。 In this paper, the base-catalyzed conjugated linoleic acid methyl ester preparation was evaluated by the response surface methodology (RSM). Based on the single factor experiment, the optimum methylation conditions were obtained with Box-Behnken design (BBD). The results showed that the optimum conditions for the methylation of conjugated linoleic acid were as follows: reaction temperature 24.4℃ , reaction time 12.8 min, 0.5 M sodium methoxide-methanol 8.56 mL for methytation.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期96-100,共5页 Food and Fermentation Industries
关键词 共轭亚油酸 高效液相 甲酯化 响应面 conjugated linoleic acid, HPLC, methylation, response surface methodology
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