
远程滑翔增程弹单炮多发同时弹着控制方法 被引量:4

Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact Control Method of Long-rang Gliding Extended Range Projectile
摘要 针对大口径火炮提高火力打击效能的问题,基于外弹道理论,通过对滑翔增程弹初始射角、俯仰舵偏角和滑翔起始点的优化控制,给出了远程滑翔增程弹单炮多发同时弹着的方法,并进行了仿真计算。仿真结果表明,该方法可在不同射程上实现单炮多发同时弹着。同时考虑炮弹实际飞行中同时弹着的影响因素,提出了在滑翔飞行段设立关键控制点的设想,对远程滑翔增程弹单的炮多发同时弹着的进一步研究具有一定的指导意义。 Aiming at the problem of improving effectiveness of the large-caliber gun firepower to combat, by controlling the launching angle, the deflection angle of lift-canards and the gliding start time of gliding extended range projectile, this paper gives multiple round simultaneous impact method of gliding extended range projectile based on the theory of exterior ballistics. The simulation results show that this method can achieve multiple round simultaneous impact in different ranges. At the same time, the factors of multiple round simultaneous impact of the projectile in actual flight is given, so this paper proposes the idea of establishing critical control points among the gliding flight trajectory. It has instructive significance for the further study on multiple round simultaneous impact of gliding extended range projectile.
出处 《指挥控制与仿真》 2010年第3期99-103,共5页 Command Control & Simulation
关键词 滑翔增程弹 单炮多发同时弹着 关键控制点 gliding extended range projectile multiple round simultaneous impact critical control points
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